Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Week one.

This week students spent a class period in the IMC creating their Symbaloo pages and their blogs.  The idea is to store both their Symbaloo and their blog on the class Schoology page.  Symbaloo worked well, however most students were prevented from creating a blog using the district's computers.  The district filter does not block Blogger, but it does prevent the creation of a new blog.  Many students were able to create their blogs on their phones, then access them from the school computers and post them on Schoology.  A small number of students cannot use the blogger app on their phones and had to create their blogs at home.  So far, two students can't create a blog on their phone and have no access to computers at home.  I am still searching for a way to help these students, including having them use Schoology to blog.  The school's filters often make using technology difficult and more frustrating than some teachers are willing to deal with, but nothing worth doing in education ever comes easy.